Monday, July 9, 2007

21st century Communication Trends

21ST Century is the century of information. To convey information an effective communication is necessary. We can also view 21st century as the communication century. The quality and speed of communication have changed quite a lot in 21st century.

The communication trends are changing rapidly along with the change of technologies. Because of the fast changes in the technology such as internet, E-mail, online chatting, blog, and mobile phones, communication becomes fast and effective. For business, it is very easy to convey or receive messages. To take competitive advantage from competitors and other organizations the must make use of the technology.
Each area of change will impact public education in significant ways and, as a result, demands a reasoned response from the education community.
According to the 21st Century Learning Initiative a profound rethinking of the structures of education will be necessitated by:

New understandings about the brain;
The potential of information and communication technologies;
Radical changes in patterns of work
Deep fears about social divisions in society
Consider the following
"Education has the ability to transform the various meanings of globalization ... the right to learn is itself at stake, and it is up to the world's educators to maintain the supremacy of this universal right in relations to any new international trade laws" Paul Cappon (2002), Director General of the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada.
Some of the new trends are
virtual weather presenter
Meet the virtual weather presenter. "Televirtual, based in Norwich, launched Metman and Metgirl initially for stations who cannot afford to have their weather presented by 'real' broadcasters. But managing director Tim Child said the implications for the future of broadcasting and the media in general were endless. He said the reason weather forecasting was chosen for the prototype was because of its relatively small knowledge base and its formulaic nature. The speech engine used for the voice is the most complex part of the creation and requires up to 30 hours programming input by reading sample forecasts."
Technology > E-Commerce Report: Blogging While Browsing, but Not Buying"
Blogging While Browsing, but Not Buying. "Online merchants are starting to test Web logs, which are akin to online diaries, in hopes of giving their stores more personality and giving customers a reason to return even when they're not in the mood to buy. But for companies like, eHobbies, and others, blogs are so far afield from typical retail functions that they will take time to master."
Podcasting Sneaks into Business. "Paradyne, the networking company, is diving into podcasts for internal communications. "We've seen such good results with podcasts," writes marketing manager Eric Knapp in an e-mail, "that we're thinking of issuing iPods to our entire sales force." Next up for Paradyne? Video podcasts for training within a month or two."Gizmodo.

My personal experience, when I was working in Winsor Manor there were different ways the CEO would communicate with the different hotels spread about in the globe. The ways used to communicate would be Flashing messages through the companies Intranet, Through Video conferencing.

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